Uganda / Rwanda Trekking

Uganda / Rwanda Trekking

Uganda – the pearl of Africa

Meet the last free living mountain gorillas…
…an experience that will touch your soul !

Enchanting mountain landscapes, mysterious cloud forests, dense jungles, crystal clear lakes, endless savannahs and a vibrant capital, all this and much more is Uganda. The highlight of a trip to Uganda for most travelers is a gorilla trek to observe the last living mountain gorillas in the wild. There are only about 900 of them left worldwide. With special permits this is possible in the dense mountain rainforest of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. In Kibale National Park chimpanzees can be visited during a trekking.

A trip to Uganda/Rwanda can be combined with a safari in Tanzania and/or Zanzibar. We would be happy to make you an offer.

Please call us or contact us via the contact form. We look forward to planning your trip together with you.

Tour suggestions

Tour Jane Godall

5 days Trekking Safari

Highlights of the tour:

Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, insights into the life of the park’s researchers, canoeing on Lake Victoria, canoe safari on Lake Bunyonyi.

Price on request

Tour Uganda Natural Treasures

8 days Trekking Safari

Highlights of the tour:

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Penetrable National Park, Gorilla Research Station, Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park, Quad Biking, White Water Rafting, Bush Flying, Boat Safari in Kazinga Channel.

Price on request
Details Tour Geheimnisse des Südens

Details Tour Jane Godall

5 days Trekking Safari

Day 1: Entebbe
Upon arrival in Entebbe, your friendly driver/guide will already be waiting for you and will take you to your hotel in a few minutes. Arrive in peace and quiet and relax for a while. Depending on your arrival time you can take a walk in Entebbe or spend some time at the pool of your beautiful accommodation.
(B/-/- | drive Entebbe airport – accommodation (about 10 min.) | overnight stay: The Boma Hotel, Entebbe)

Day 2: Mabamba Swamp, Lake Victoria / flight to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
After an early breakfast you will set off with your driver/guide to Lake Victoria. During a canoe trip in the “Mabamba Swamp” (swamp area), you have a good chance to observe the strangely graceful shoebill (bird) in its natural habitat.

Later on you will be taken to Entebbe International Airport for your flight to Bwindi National Park. After a short flight you will arrive there and will be transferred to your accommodation, the Bwindi Lodge with its fabulous view over the rolling mountains of rural Uganda. The gorillas often stay close to the lodge.

Please note: As an alternative to the flight, the Bwindi National Park can also be reached by car in about 8 hours. This option includes a coffee stop at the Kayabwe equator line with its beautiful views over rural Uganda.
(B/L/D | canoe trip in Mabamba Swamp, Lake Victoria | flight to Bwindi National Park (approx. 1 hour 10 min. | overnight stay: Bwindi Lodge)

Day 3: Gorilla trekking & insights into research
Early in the morning, before 8 am, arrival at the National Park registration desk with briefing for the trekking and off you go. The guides will take you deep into the dense jungle and will pave your way through the undergrowth with their machetes. Good hiking boots and clothing are very important here. A trek can last from half an hour to 7 hours, depending on where the gorilla family is. Although the gorillas are used to the sight of humans, they are still shy and reserved. If you get close to the family, you will deposit your backpack at a safe distance and now you can devote all your attention to the gorillas and photography.
A research member from the Buhoma Research Station will accompany the trek. This is part of the research program under the patronage of Dr. Gladys Kalema. The project will provide deep insights and experiences into the research work on the gorillas.
(B/L/D | Gorilla Trekking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park | Visit Research Clinic Buhoma | Overnight stay: Bwindi Lodge)

Day 4: Lake Bunyonyi
The meaning of Bunyonyi is “place of many small birds”. Lake Bunyonyi is indisputably one of the most beautiful lakes in Uganda. It contains 29 small green islands. The mountainous banks are terraced. In this magical place you can relax wonderfully. It is the only lake in Uganda that offers the possibility to swim without crocodiles, hippos or bilharzia. Explore the area on a canoe safari.
(B/L/D | Canoeing Lake Bunyonyi | Overnight stay: Birdnest Resort, Lake Bunyonyi)

Day 5: Onward or return journey
After an early breakfast and check-out from the hotel, car transfer to Kigali (Rwanda) or Entebbe (Uganda) for your follow-up program or return home.

Please note:
Travel time from Bwindi to Kigali is about 4 hours.
Journey time from Bwindi to Entebbe is about 7 hours.

Change requests
This trip is a proposal. Route, content and accommodations can be adapted to your wishes. We are also happy to offer you a preliminary or follow-up program. We are looking forward to your contact.

B = Breakfast
L = Lunch / Lunchbox
D = Dinner

Details Tour Trilogie des Südens

Details Tour Uganda Natural Treasures

8 days Trekking Safari

Day 1: Entebbe / Kalagala Island, White Nile
Upon arrival at Entebbe Airport, your friendly driver/guide will be waiting for you and drive you to your safari vehicle. From there you will drive on to your lodge. Your accommodation, the Wildwaters Lodge is located about 100 km from Entebbe International Airport, on a small private island in the white Nile called Kalagala Island and can only be reached by a small boat.
Depending on the arrival time in Entebbe, the crossing by boat should be done by 5 pm at the latest.

The luxurious lodge with pool is nested in the granite rocks and washed by the roaring water. Ten spacious bungalows with terraces, surrounded by rainforest and magnificent views over the Nile, are connected by wooden walkways.
(-/-/D | transfer to the safari vehicle | drive Kalagala Island (approx. 2-3 hrs.) | overnight stay: Wildwaters Lodge)

Day 2: Kalagala Island, White Nile
Today an adventurous day is on the program. After an early breakfast your guide will bring you briefing meeting point for a half day white water rafting on the longest river in Africa, the White Nile. Afterwards you will ride through several small villages near Jinja, which are situated on the river bank. Enjoy the atmosphere with a hearty snack on the way. Later, depending on the weather conditions, you will go on a quad tour of at least 1-2 hours.
After an eventful day you can enjoy the evening mood at sunset at the pool.
(B/L/D | whitewater rafting | horseback riding | quad tour | transfer to the lodge | overnight stay: Wildwaters Lodge)

Day 3: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
After a hearty breakfast the transfer to Entebbe takes place. From there you fly to Bwindi in the afternoon, where your driver/guide of the previous days is already waiting for you. Together you will drive through a beautiful mountain landscape to your accommodation for the next two nights, the Bwindi Lodge. The authentic Bwindi Lodge offers luxury, comfort and full board (including alcoholic drinks) as well as a 30-minute free pampering massage. The lodge offers unbelievable views over the still original jungle and an enchanting river landscape, which is regularly visited by the gorillas for a rest.
(B/L/D | car transfer to Entebbe | flight to Bwindi (approx. 1 hour) | transfer to the lodge | overnight stay: Bwindi Lodge).

Day 4: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
A very special, unforgettable experience is waiting for you today. Before 8 a.m. you will arrive at the park entrance for a briefing. Visit the last of about 900 remaining mountain gorillas worldwide in your refuge in the mountains of Uganda. Depending on where the gorilla families are staying, you will have a more or less strenuous walk of about 1-7 hours into the dense jungle. Good hiking boots are a must here. The guides will clear the path with their machetes from the undergrowth to follow the gorillas’ tracks. Once you arrive at the gorillas, you will have the opportunity to observe and photograph the shy animals often at close range.
(B/L/D | Gorilla Trekking Bwindi National Park (approx. 1-7 hours) | Overnight stay: Bwindi Lodge).

Day 5: Queen Elizabeth National Park
Today you can take it a little bit more comfortable. After a relaxed breakfast, a late checkout and a picnic box in your luggage, you will set off for the scenic Queen Elizabeth National Park. In the Ishasha sector you might meet climbing tree lions on the game drive route. Acacias and prominent fig trees also offer good chances to meet a leopard. Enjoy the abundance of animals and biodiversity in this typical African landscape. Spend the night in the luxurious and comfortable Kyambura Gorge Lodge with its magnificent views over the savannah, the rolling hills of Uganda and the Kyambura Gorge. The lodge is the ideal starting point for wildlife watching in the nearby area.
(B/L/D | game drive en-route | overnight stay: Kyambura Gorge Lodge).

Day 6: Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park
Another highlight awaits you today. On the drive to the Kibale National Park you will again have very good opportunities to marvel at and get to know Uganda’s magnificent animal world. After a briefing you will meet the chimpanzees and other primates of the national park during a 3-4 hour trek in the afternoon. During the trek you will learn a lot about the flora and fauna of this region from your guide.
(F/M/A | Transfer to the National Park (approx. 3 hours) | Chimpanzee Trek in Kibale National Park (approx. 3-4 hours) | Overnight stay: Kyambura Gorge Lodge).

Day 7: Kazinga Channel, Kibale National Park
Another day full of adventure awaits you. Early in the morning you go on a game drive to spot elephants, lions, Cape buffalo, warthogs, leopards, hyenas, mongooses, waterbucks, the endemic Uganda kob and many other animals and birds. After lunch we go on a boat safari through the famous Kazinga Channel into Lake Edward. Observe many hippos and other animals as you relax and eat in the beautiful riverside scenery. More than 600 species of birds make the heart of every bird lover beat faster.
(B/L/D | Game drive in Kibale National Park | Boat Safari Kazinga Channel | Overnight stay: Kyambura Gorge Lodge).

Day 8: Entebbe
After a late breakfast it is time to say goodbye to the wilderness. After the drive to the Mweya/Kasese Airstrip you fly back to Entebbe by bush plane. From there you start your flight home.
(B/-/- | transfer trip Mweya/Kasese Airstrip (Queen Elizabeth National Park) | flight to Entebbe (approx. 1 hour)

Change requests
This trip is a proposal. Route, content and accommodations can be adapted to your wishes. We are also happy to offer you a preliminary or follow-up program. We are looking forward to your contact.

B = Breakfast
L = Lunch / picnic with lunch box
D = Dinner
